
Be a sponsor, be a mentor to a child. You’ll be happy being involved!

Sponsor a child

Have you considered sponsoring a child? It may be a gift towards their education or a long-term engagement with a child. A sponsor may not be able to physically adopt a child but can bring joy to a child’s heart by remembering their birthday each year, simply reaching out on a regular basis and just showing interest and care.

This is a great way to make a lasting impact on the life of a child. The children of today are the change agents of tomorrow. If you’d like to know more on becoming a sponsor, do get in touch with us.

Mentor a child

Our mentorship program is one where we match a professional with a child to assist them with school work, bible knowledge and spiritual development or where you the professional can help guide a young man or young woman into a career choice that fits his or her skills and talent.

Whether you’re a doctor, nurse, teacher, lawyer, engineer, lab technician, farmer, policeman or even a pastor, you can be a mentor. Contact us for more info.